How can I book the service?
Follow the instructions on our booking form and fill in the empty fields.
Can I trust the service providers found on Disposervice
Yes, of course. We have manually checked and approved each and every one of the service providers. All service providers have licensed companies with valid insurance policies according to local laws.
How long does the service take?
This depends on the service you select. You will be able to choose the time and date of the service, so the service time depends on the type of service you select.
Can my driver make a stop or change the route for moving service?
In case you need to make a stop or change the destination route, you can always contact our office to make these changes. Your service confirmation voucher, which is sent to your email to confirm your reservation, states the price for selected service to a particular destination without extra stops or detours.
What service can I book on Disposervice?
You can book all kind of services: moving service, tow truck, parcel or van delivery etc.
Does the driver speak English?
We try to choose partners whose drivers do speak English. However, we can not guarantee that every driver can speak English.
What currency will I be charged in?
You will be charged in EUR, if not selected otherwise.
Is the price fixed?
That depends on what type of service you select. For parcel delivery prices will always be fixed, unless dimensions of the parcel are different that specified. As for moving service in more cases this price will not be fixed, because it is not always possible to guess how many hours Contractor will need in order to finish the work. Please mind that expenses of service will always be discussed in advance of the service.
What happens if I need to cancel the service?
In most cases it is possible to cancel the service if you inform us in advance. Each case is unique and you can always contact us to get advice. Please check our cancellation policy for refund policy.
How do I contact my Contractor?
Contractor's details will be provided on your booking voucher. If you can not find the driver call the number specified immediately. In case it is not possible to reach the driver, contact our Customer Support.
What happens if I don't meet my driver?
First of all, you should try to contact the driver directly on the phone number which is provided on your booking confirmation. If you fail to make contact with the driver, please contact us and we will investigate the situation.
What if I left my property in the vehicle or something is missing?
Contact the service provider directly on the same number that you have on your booking confirmation. You must agree with them directly on the property recovery. Unfortunately, we can’t be held responsible for any items left behind or for costs incurred as a result of lost property not returned.
How do I get a payment receipt?
You will automatically receive a payment receipt in your email after you have made the payment. Or you can download it in Customer Portal. Please note a payment receipt is not a VAT Invoice.
What if my payment has been declined?
If your payment has been declined please get in contact with your bank directly or try to use a different card. We accept VISA, Master Cards, AMEX, PayPal. And many other payment providers.
How do I know my booking is successful?
After booking confirmation and making payment you will receive an email with confirmation within 24 hours of the service provider and payment receipt. This means your booking is successful.
How do I pay for my booking?
We will take full payment at the time of the booking.
How do I claim a refund?
Refund claims must be made via email or Customer Portal. All refund requests must be submitted within 7 days of your service date. Please provide as much details/documentation as possible in order for us to review your refund request as soon as possible.
How can I amend my booking?
You can amend your booking by logging into the client portal or by contacting out customer support.
I didn’t receive my voucher, what should I do?
Please allow 24h to receive your booking voucher in your email. The voucher will be issued only when the transport service provider will confirm the service. You can review or re-print your voucher on the Customer Portal or from your email.
What insurance coverage do I have?
Insurance coverage varies per supplier and per country. It will cover the minimum local legislation requirements. For more information, you can contact the transport company directly.
How do I make a complaint?
Firstly you should try to resolve directly with the transport provider. If this is not possible please raise a case to our Customer Support. The case can be submitted within 7 days of the travel date.
What does the price include?
The price inclusions will be described when you will receive and offer from each Contractor.
Why have I been charged additional fees?
Please call the service company to clarify this, if not possible contact our Customer Support.
Do I need to tip the service provider?
The price already includes tips, however, if you feel like tipping extra you can do it.
What documents do I need to bring for service booked?
A printer or digital version of your voucher as well as ID may be required in order to check if the correct person is being contacted.
What if I have made a duplicate booking?
If you have made a duplicate booking by mistake go to the Customer Portal section and cancel one of the bookings. Please mind that booking can be canceled free of charge 24 hours before the scheduled pick up time.
Can’t find what you’re looking for?
Please contact us for any other information that you would need to know before traveling. When sending a request to our Customer Support please make sure you enter your booking number in the subject section and provide as much information as possible in order to receive a faster reply.